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tv   Your World This Morning  Al Jazeera  November 27, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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♪ playing both sides russia agrees to work with the west in the fight against i.s.i.l. but is still friendly to the syrian governme government. france pays tribute to the victims in paris attacks and winter storm moves east bringing cold and sleet to the plains and holiday shoppers crowd the stores but online sales are what retailers are banking on. ♪ welcome to your world this morning i'm stephanie sy and del walters has the day off and
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russia and syria are meeting this morning one day after syria pledged cooperation and france president francois hollande says they plan to focus efforts on syria on i.s.i.l. fighters and says moscow strikes have been hitting other rebel forces the same one the u.s. backs in the fight against bashar al-assad's government and rory challenge is live in moscow this morning and give us an update of what putin's stance is in the fight and what has changed. >> if you listen to what he said on thursday you can say his stance has stayed pretty much consistent and he is still loyal to president bashar al-assad and said it was up to the syrian people to decide whether assad was the man forcier -- for syria
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and should be an ally of anyone who is interested in combatting terrorism inside syria and said to combat i.s.i.l. properly you have to have ground forces and the only ground forces that are legitimate inside syria according to vladimir putin are the ground forces of the syrian president namely the syrian army. if there is some shift in vladimir putin's stance that is as he put it we have reached an agreement with france to avoid any strikes on those territories and those armed units that are ready to fight terrorism and that has been interpreted as putin saying he is not going to attack any groups other than i.s.i.l. but i think that is a very vague statement and there is much, much room for interpretation there. >> i agree with that rory because he has to find a
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terrorist to include al-nusra front and other opposition groups and continuing tensions between turkey and russia with the turkish downing of that russian military jet and russia says it is now planning sanctions against turkey? >> well, yeah, plained sanctions, we don't actually specifically know what they will be yet and we have a pretty good idea and the reason we do is they have started hitting turkish imports and produce and clothing, that sort of thing with much more stringent health checks, hygiene checks, sanitary checks that sort of thing and unsurprising are finding numerous violations and turkish produce and imports are being turned away from russian borders and also know the russians are trying to dissuaded its population from traveling to
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turkey on holiday. and now russian tour operators are basically being prohibited from selling turkish package and tours to russians. we also know that russia is getting much tougher on turkish nationals inside russia so the interior ministry said the other day that turkish nationals here might have increased tension from the police and know of 39 turkish businessmen here who on wednesday were picked up in southern russia for visa violations and these are things we are likely to see more of in the coming days and will see specific legislation in the coming days when the ministry come back with their reports. >> reporter: how big of a deal are sanctions if you can call them that that you describe there especially given the economic relationship and not talking about energy imports and turkey imports a lot of russian oil products.
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>> yes, it does and imports a lot of oil products and a lot of gas and also imports a lot of russian wheat, all of those things are likely to be hit. the other thing that is likely to be hit is the plan for russia to build nuclear power stations inside turkey. these are big joint projects, adding to that the turkish stream gas pipeline project, big infrastructure and likely to have a severe lid clamped down on them by the latest events and also tourism, russians love to go to turkey. there are two countries they go to, most of all in the world turkey and egypt, egypt has also been hit because of the incidents over the downed russian passenger jet and turkish tourism will be hit by basically no russian tourists. >> rory challenge reporting from
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moscow, thank you, remembering victims of paris attacks and held a memorial service for 130 people who were killed. ♪ this somber ceremony was one of if first formal gathering since the attacks and francois hollande topped politicians and names and ages of all 130 victims read allowed and francois hollande asked people to hang a flag in their window today as a tribute and we have more from paris. >> from president francois hollande today was to reflect and articulate the national mood. first of all paying tribute to those who died, expressing solidarity to the families and to the survivors. also going on to reaffirm french
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values who said were not in any way diminished or eclipsed by events on november 13th and launching this very clear message of france's determination to defeat the forces behind the attack. and yes a very vital part of that will be the continued investigation, the sharing of intelligence with other countries in particular pursuing leads here in europe and have seen the importance of the belgium connection early in the investigation and the organizer and planner of the attacks abdul rahman al-qadhi a belgium national and a lot of involvement of the police carrying out raids and search as well as from germany a week before the attacks german police arrested a man who had a paris
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address in gps and a careful of weapons and a search for national and international level to catch, to track down any other people who were involved in helping to support and provide help to the attackers and of course anyone who could potentially be involved in attempting to organize similar attacks. >> jackie reporting from paris and police shot and killed a palestinian who rammed his car in a group of israelis at a bus stop at the occupied west bank but a jewish settlement and two were injured in the attack and in the occupied territories left both sides dead. white snow and messy weather continuing in the holiday weekend and freezing rain and sleet moved through partsov iowa
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and nebraska and low temperatures and icy roads made it for difficult roads in some areas and more from nicole mitchell. >> and people have it off and no holiday sale is worth risking the roads and we are talking through the great lakes through texas and areas of rain, a little starting to get in the northeast, the lighter side of it but on the backside is the wintry mix because the system going through is dropping the temperatures so some of the ice reports and places with freezing rain anywhere from kansas to lubbet and amarillo you are seeing that this morning and still some of this back and lingering parts of california under some of the winter weather advisories until 8:00 a.m. local time so two or three hours watch for the conditions and pink is ice storm warnings and most
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worried about that and places we are not used to driving in some conditions and could go up to a half of an inch between today and tomorrow and that is enough to bring down sometimes power lines or trees so be very careful besides making the roads treacherous and very warm ahead with the cold air and memphis 71, up the east coast a lot of 60s and really lovely weather behind this denver at 22 so you can see that temperature contrast is going through and also the heavy rain side of all of this, i'll have more on that coming up, in the next half hour and could cause flooding. >> what is the trick to driving in an ice storm coming from someone in la? >> i'm from minnesota, the trick is not to drive but if you have to you want to give yourself a lot of extra room and go take it really slow so you have reaction time in case that car starts moving in a way you are not expecting. >> nicole mitchell thank you.
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protesters in chicago plan to disrupt black friday shopping today, demonstrations are planned on upscale north georgia avenue also known as the magnificent mile, the main shopping area and outraged it took more than a year for a white police officer to be charged with murder in the shooting death of a black teen and video of officer jason van dyke shooting the teen 16 times was only released this week. security scare at the white house as the first family was celebrating thanksgiving and arrested a man after he scaled a fence on the north lawn and pictures shown him draped in american flag and raised his hands when he reached the other side of the fence and immediately taken into custody and not clear his motive and witnesses say he was carrying an envelope and the white house had to be locked down for two hours, donald trump demanding apology and accused of mocking the
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appearance of a times reporter and covered trump extensively in the 80s and 90s and trump says he doesn't remember him and we have the story. >> it was an impersonation in keeping with donald trump's campaign of saying the unsayable. >> i don't know what i said, i don't remember. please i don't remember, maybe that is what i said. >> reporter: referring to a journalist with a debilitating condition that effects his joints and reporting is also what trump used to bolster his claim that thousands were celebrating the collapse of the trade center on 9-11 in new jersey and they contradicted his claims. >> the stories were checked out and were not true and didn't happen. >> reporter: other unsayables that muslims should be treated with suspicion and torture is acceptable in the interest of national security and mexican immigrants are rapists. it's nothing new, trump has a
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history of alleged racism in his business dealings and the u.s. itself has a history of sometimes violent racial prejudice and some find that not be holden to anyone. >> he is a business man and knows how to get things done. >> reporter: needs context and it's way too early in the nominating process to be predicting outcomes and those historically likely to vote for the next presidential candidate do not start paying attention to the race until the next caucus and that is next february. second the opinion polls are those who identify as republican and not those who are likely to vote. >> love ya. >> reporter: at this point in the race in 2011 herman cain noted for his controversial statements was in the lead and being prized by his outsider status but trumps numbers also have to be put in a national context, 25% of americans identify as republicans, of that number some 27% say they support
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trump. as noted u.s. pollster nate silver points out that is 6% of the u.s. population. the same number who believe the moon landings were fake. >> dancing in the streets and roofto rooftops. >> reporter: not to say it's not significant and the republican establishment has not pushed back to trump and if that is too early in the race it's not clear and the other candidates considered mainstream are any less extreme in attitudes to erase civil liberties and admin but they are less quotable. al jazeera, washington. turkey's role in the fight against i.s.i.l. and russia getting attack shun but ankara could decide the conflicts and peaceful way forward and the pope tells the men how to keep itself from a violent future. ♪
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the foreign ministers of russia and syria meeting in moscow today talking how to end the war in syria, on thursday russian president vladimir putin pledged country support for coalition fighting i.s.i.l. and promised french president francois hollande that moscow will only target i.s.i.l. fighters in syria and francois hollande received pledges for cooperation from britain and u.s. in the wake of paris attacks and weeks before the attacks president obama ordered up to 50 special ops troops to syria and debate ever since about whether the troops will make a difference, military historian andrew told me recently the president is realizing the complexities of this war. >> if we expect the u.s. behavior to be perfectly
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consistent we will always be disappointed and i think what is going on is that this president who i believe genuinely meant it when he said that he wished to extract the united states from perpetual war has found himself unable to deliver. i don't really think the announcement about 50 special operation forces on the ground helping the kurds is actually that big of a deal. the larger story here, and i think the larger critique of u.s. policy with regard to iraq and syria has been this incrementalism. i mean we started with a little bombing and then we did a little bit more bombing and started with a few trainers to support the iraqi army and sent in a few more trainers so we are in the process of seeing mission before
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our very eyes and i think most observers think that mission ciet is a failure in war. >> you would not argue for sending in a full content gent of troops. >> no i would not. >> for iraq or syria and can you project power without military power like syria with the russian military involved and iran military and proxys involved? >> we have been attempting to project military power in that region of the world for a heck of a long time and i think the question is not whether we can do it, it's whether or not having done it that produces a good outcome and it's clear if you are looking at iraq or looking at afghanistan, we maybe have the mightiest military in the world and do not have sufficient might or wisdom or
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staying power to impose our will on those countries and so what you have to do is say well then if not that route what is the other route and i think that it is pastime to give diplomacy a chance. when we say diplomacy it's not simply a bunch of people in suits sitting around dinner tables. >> they tried diplomacy in jen geneva in 2012 and has not led to results so what is diplomacy? >> if you are looking for results next week or the week after that is not going to happen. the diplomacy ought to be an effort to bring into existence a new equilibrium of power in which the key players in the region recognize that they, in fact, all have an interest in restoring stability and that notwithstanding the fact that iran and saudi arabia may have a
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very deep seeded rivalry with one another, that said, they ought to find ways to collaborate and restore instability. that is not a trivial task, i'm not trying to suggest that it is but i think that when you're looking for what is the alternative to the continuing futility of the american military effort the creation of an equilibrium of power at least deserves to be examined. >> a leading gop candidate a man named donald trump says his approach to syria would be let the sides fight it out and we will pick up the remnants, how is that different from what you are saying? >> the difference is trump sort of implies we will wash our hands over the entire situation, i'm trying to suggest that diplomatic engagement can help powers in the region recognize that it's not in their interest simply to fight it out and see
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who is the last person standing. >> andrew you have written in previous books that you are against military intervention in a lot of cases but what about your personal experiences have informed that view? >> well. >> you're a military man. >> i served quite a period of time in the army and i suppose the central experience of my military career was the vietnam war which was a debacle. i witnessed the near disintegration of the united states army which i was serving at the time and i think i came away from that war appreciating the limits of what military power can do. i'm not a passivist and don't propose we should have a weak united states military but i have come to believe and events of the past 30 years have certainly reenforced that belief that the military instrument needs to be used with some discretion.
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>> what about as a deterrent and how do you feel of the concept of military deterrent as a way to keep guys like vladimir putin for changing the international? >> i think your question makes a very important point. the other formative military experience for me is after vietnam i basically spent about 20 years in what was in retrospect the latter half of the cold war and u.s. policy in the cold war which did assign a considerable way to power did not see the value of military power for an instrument for intervention. our strategy was one of containment. >> right. >> i participated in the defense of western europe, a defense that was intended to prevent any crazies in the soviet union from thinking they could invade the west. >> against them. >> and it worked and it worked while imposing a relatively
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modest cause and did didn't require us to kill people. >> regime change. >> the regime changed ultimately. ultimately the pack collapsed, ultimately poland and czech and hunkry gained independence and got their democracys but not because the united states was invading them and imposing some freedom, now that is an approach that requires considerable patience and particularly in the past 9-11 era we have not convinced a lot of patience and maybe it's time to recover the patience recognizing that however great our military power may be it's of somewhat limited utility. >> military historian andrew is speaking with me recently and u.s. military hit dozens of targets in syria and iraq in the last few days and a plan to stop
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i.s.i.l. and end the war in syria and u.s. promised to help secure the border but as mary snow reports turkey has to juggle domestic priorities with international obligations. >> it's the only muslim majority country a member of nato and border of syria has become a pathway in the war-torn country. >> 30,000 fighters from 90 different countries, the greatest majority of them came through turkey. >> reporter: analysts say turkey has worked to since seal the borders and what led to the situation is complex. turkey was once an ally of syria's president bashar al-assad and those ties were broken after syria's assault on citizen protesters in 2011. as syria spiralled into a civil war a nato commander says i.s.i.l. served a purpose and
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encountered iran's influence. >> not saying they created i.s.i.s., they didn't, they were one of a number of countries that fed weapons into the region and sought to mobilize extremist fires to go against iranian influence and it was a frankenstein. >> and it haunts it and suffered the worst terror attack in history and about 100 people were killed in two bombings in ankara and i.s.i.l. was suspected and the threat from i.s.i.l. is a big reason turkey let the u.s. use the air base in july to launch strikes against i.s.i.l. inside syria. >> there is always a bargain in place for the turks and access it grants u.s. and other coalition partners through the basis in turkey then it can start other concessions in other areas. >> reporter: among the lists of
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demands she says turkey wants to keep a check on kurdish rebels it opposes and some factions are partners with the u.s. in fighting i.s.i.l. but in the wake of the paris attack pressure is building on turkey to do more and it was evident at the most resent presidential debate among democratic candidates. >> in particular turkey and gulf nations have to makeup their minds, are they going to stand with us against this kind of jihad radicalism or not? >> turkey has other demands from the west namely creating a safe zone on the turkish border for refugees, turkey is now providing shelter for nearly two million refugees while others are finding their way into europe through turkey. all of it comes as the battlefield in syria grows more crowded and complex. adding to the challenge for turkey is the entrance of russia which is at odds with turkey over syria's president and that
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leaves a big question over what is next. mary snow, al jazeera. the world modern day pilgrims and president obama calls for americans to do more to care for refugees. and we have a live look now at the airport in nairobi kenya where pope francis is about to leave for the next step on his african tour, uganda is next on his agenda. we will have much more news right after the break.
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>> we're closing that cycle. it's very easy for us to have 100% recycled material. >> we're the first plant in north america to be energy positive. >> a lot of these small businesses are recycling for economic reasons. >> techknow's team of experts
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show you how the miracles of science... >> this is what innovation looks like. >> can affect and surprise us. >> i feel like we're making an impact. >> let's do it. >> techknow - where technology meets humanity. >> another view of your-year-old, you're looking at st. mark's square in italy and the basilica there in that iconic place. welcome back to your world this morning. taking a look at today's top stories, french president francois hollande and vladimir putin have agreed to share intelligence and cooperate in the fight against isil. hollande said russia agreed to tarts only isil forces and not rebel groups. >> france held a com about her ceremony today, paying tribute to the victims in the paris attacks. each of the names of the 130 victims and their ages were read
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aloud. president francois hollande and those gathered observed a moment of silence. president hollande urged the french people to hang a flag in their windows today. >> snow and ice are making traveling difficulties. >> pope francis is wrapping up his visit to kenya now. these are live pictures from the airport in nairobi, where he'll soon board a jet and head to uganda. you can see all the cardinals that accompanied the pope. pope francis spent the last two days in kenya where you wowed two crowds. the pope spoke before a crowd of thousands in nairobi and visited one of the city's most notorious slums. he urged people to throw off tribal bonds and unite as one nation. >> the pope has said that today was the highlight of his trip, because he pet young people and
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the poor and got to hear terror problems and aspirations. he spoke strongly against corruption, which islam pant in the country. he said the corruption in many other places, including the vatican but told people here that ending it starts with individuals. he spoke passionately about the need to empower the youth. frustration, he said makes it easier for young people to be radicalized like arme armed gro. he was very passionate about the need to empower people. he spoke out against tribalism, another serious problem here. kenyanss divided along tribal lines and his message has been unity and conciliation. people hope leaders here have not only heard but will act on some of the things he said.
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>> this is the celebration awaiting pope francis when he arrives at the airport in nairobi. he will be heading to uganda next. large catholic contingency in africa growing for the vatican, to an important trip for this peep. >> north and so you korea have agreed to meet for talks last month. in august, bolt countries threatened war over land nine explosions that maimed so screen sell injuries. >> authorities in mali arrested he two suspects linked to lot week's attacks at a luxury hotel. they were identified used by information found on one of the attacker's cell phones. mali has not released their identities. twenty people including 14 foreigners were killed when
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gunman stormed the hotel last friday. >> president obama is calling on americans to do more to help refugees. he said much of america's greatness comes from the generosity of the american people. he said despite calls from some politicians to keep syrian refugees out, many americans of written to him offering their homes to those fleeing war. >> nearly four centuries after the mayflower set sale, the world is still full of pilgrims, men and women who want nothing but a safer, better future for themselves and their families. what makes america america is that we offer that chance. we learn lady liberty's light to the world. >> a majority of americans say they are opposed to allowing syrian refugees into america. that's according to a recent poll by bloomburg. 58% of respondents do not want any refugees to resettle in the u.s. many are worried about the potential security risks. compared to 28% who say they
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were ok with the current plan. 11% prefer only to let christians in. >> 3 million refugees have resettled in the u.s. in the last 30 years and they go through a detailed vetting process. al jazeera's melissa chan takes a look at what happens after refugees arrive. >> after 10 years apart, angelique welcomes her relatives and most of all, her mother, to america. the journey for these refugees who have fled war-torn democratic republican of congo is part of the resettlement program, the largest in the world. >> we are so happy to be in america. >> they have been waiting so long, five years. >> at the airport, the new arrivals meet not only family members, but their case manager who will help them over the next few days and weeks start their new lives in albuquerque.
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>> first with some starter money, but also everything from applying for social security numbers, registering for school, or taking a crash course in english. >> i think this first week for example, you start to feel the shock. they realize that they're really here. >> refugees often show up at the airport with nothing, so ahead of their arrival, the office prepares the basics, apartment for three months and everything in it. >> he and his wife left kabul in august. their time in the reception and placement program is winding down and they feel pressure to find work. >> i have business degree and management degree. i can speak three language, but unfortunately, i can't find job as i want. >> you might think new york city, chicago or los angeles
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would be better places to move to. those are multi-cultural metropolises, but the united states took in almost 70,000 refugees in the last fiscal year and not all of them can move to a big city. >> many refugees head to medium sized cities, including nashville, las vegas, boise, cities that aren't too big and aren't too small. >> it's a community where people know about each other, care about each other, there's affordable housing, good jobs, the schools are welcoming and refugees find cities like that very comfortable. >> he keeps trying, meeting with his career counselor, working on his resume, determined that his degrees will matter if not immediately, then down the line. for the latest arrivals who have not had the chance to think that far ahead into the future, they are just glad to be alive.
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>> the fact that i am here is because of the grace of god. he decided i will not die in the congo, that i will come to america. nephews, nieces, mothers and daughters reunited in the most unlikely place, but one of promise, safety and security. melissa chan, al jazeera, albuquerque new mexico. >> i recent lie spoke with an iraqi refugee now living in michigan. he had a long journey before he could come to the u.s. >> all the iraqi people, they have suffer and they are still suffering from the hard life and actually, my country, iraq, the original country is not safe and so dangerous, so that's the big reason, that's why i leave my country. >> what was the process like of applying to come here to the united states and did you specifically want to come here?
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>> yeah, actually, i went, my country in 2012 and we went to the u.n. for united nation for the refugees, so we did the registration and then we did the interview with them, and then after that, they transfer my case to the u.s. office, united states office. in the turkey, it's called ecde and we did the interviews with them and got the approval, and then we did the health screening, and then we got the travel to the united states in 2014. >> so that whole process, it sounds like took two years? >> yeah, we spend a couple of years in turkey to get united
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states, to get here. >> what is the biggest difference between life back in iraq and life in the u.s. today? >> well, there's so many difference, the system here is different, the life here is different, and the different in the culture, for example, in my country, we have no health insurance, but here in united states, everybody have the health insurance, and in my country, we have no -- but here is different. everybody here in united states have credit score. >> you know if that is a good thing to have credit score here, omar. i want to talk about you and your family. you traveled via turkey. you were with your two young children. what was that journey like as a parent? >> we suffer, but we got some
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patience to get the safe life in united states, so me and my family, we are so happy to finally get the safe life. >> omar said he wants americans to know most refugees come to the u.s. for that reason, just to try and make a better life. >> a syrian american filmmaker is trying to show the refugee experience for an american audience. he says his short film is the story of his life and that of millions of others on a desperate journey to safety. we sat down with the director. >> surrounded by monitors in his los angeles editor work space, he is slowing in on a final cut. >> you can't cut to something else then, right? >> the short film is caused
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called the outcast and tells the story of a young syrian couple fleeing their war torn country for life in the united states. >> first of all, we're in the business of entertainment, so we have to entertainment, but at the same time, we have an interesting story, interesting characters who are very relate to the current times. >> he grew up in damascus in a conservative middle class family and worked in t.v. production before awarded a full bright scholarship to produce his masters here in chicago. >> we captain get all the shots today. i'm worried about that. >> the films main character played by chicago actress, she is forced to navigate her surroundings after being separated from her husband. >> this woman has to dig deep and overcome the struggles on her own. i think it's really interesting to see that you can be in a new place, you can face a lot of
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stuff, but at the same time, if you look into yourself and figure it out, you can find a way to survive. >> he wrote and directed the film as a way to explore his own experiences when arriving in the u.s. as a foreigner. city sounds americans take for granted was an unnerving reminder of the life he left behind. >> we don't hear the train, but hear something, a really, really strong sound. the memory came back and it is like you are not here for a second, felt like you are there. >> in a war zone. >> exactly. >> it is relevant beyond syria. >> it's a human interest story, so people can see they're just like us. they go through struggles and are trying to navigate into a new life, a better life. here it's still happening in syria, but it's even worse. i hope to that a story like this can show people that everyone has the same needs, we all want
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food and shelter and love and security and it doesn't matter where we're from at the end of the day. >> i need information, please. >> director said it's very much his own permanent story, but also the story of countless others. >> and a live look again at the airport in nairobi, kenya. this is the pomp and circumstance bidding fair wall to pope francis. he is leaving nairobi and headed to uganda next. while he was in nairobi, he touted peace as well as the importance of education and jobs in countering radicalization. that is a message he is likely to bring to uganda. we'll have more news, right after this break.
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>> california's brace be for a winter that could brick disaster to the state with epic rains and floods. bridges, dams and levees maybe at risk. >> this is what five-inches of rain in a single hour does to a drought baked hillside.
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that's knoll compared to what may happen this winter if an epic el niño arrives. >> take those long h rain events and have them last longer. >> he is be a expert. >> we are not ready as a tate for the very large floods. >> california has over 13,000 miles of levees, which have been called a mess, a katrina type disaster poised to flood california. >> those that will fail and those that have failed, eventually, the system will be overwhelmed. the question every year, is this the year, is this the year the levee system is overwhelmed. >> it encompasses nearly 1,000 miles of waterways and home to thousands of people and the state capital.
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mike is an engineer. he spots a major levee repair going on here and shows it to us. it's a fix that costs five to $10 million per mile. it's a rehab that apparently rarely happens. >> something of this scale, maybe once a decade, if that. >> repairs are crucial. report after report has warned of possible levee breaks in the delta. one area mike is particularly worried about. >> we're working our way up to sea level here. a portion of this island is actually well blow sea level. >> it's not clear at first what the problem is. >> this is a very peaceful setting, but you are talking about being the ground zero. >> this is one of the lowest points in the system and i would not be a bit surprised this winter that we had waves crashing over this levee taller than you. >> wow. that seems unimaginable. >> given a strong enough storm,
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it may be a reality with catastrophic results. >> marry nature may be giving california a 1-2 punch, record drought and then possibly cat photographic el niño. according to jeff, it's not mother nature to blame, it's decades of neglect of california's infrastructure. >> we stopped paying for this stuff a long time ago. we have the nerve to be surprised that these stems are falling down around our ears, bridges failing and rod ways failing. we chose not to pay for it. >> the truth is that california and nation will pay one way or another. the question is whether the bill comes due this winter. jacob ward, al jazeera, sacramento. >> for more on this, i want to bring in our meteorologist nicole mitchell. you've been following el niño. how long before it's over in california? >> we officially got into it this spring, although there were signs even before that. a we want the warming of the
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equatorial pacific waters. it's been ramping up all year since the spring. right now, we could be at our peak, but water heats and cools slowly, so could take us at least until next spring to get out of it even if we're peeking out now. this is the strongest el niño in 20 years based on statistics and that changes weather patterns, that's why we are expecting more big storms this year. speaking of big storms, we have one in the midsection of the country now. we're seeing most of this as rain. we talked earlier about the ice area and then behind that snow, because of the fast temperature changes we're seeing and all that cold air intruding with the warm air gives us ice. >> portions of the southern plains, we're going to get so much over the next few days. in the southeast we have high
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pressure. the front coming in isn't able to move and it is quickly. we'll get more rain in the south and north. some places will get six to eight inches of rain over the next days. the north will be able to move more kicky than the south because of high pressure. tomorrow, the core of the rain barely moves. that's why we're going to get so much over the next couple of days. >> another live look now at the airport in nairobi, kenya, the papal plane is leaving now after pope francis's visit. that's the plane that the pope uses. it's about a 90 minute flight to his next destination, uganda. >> stores are counting on shoppers to open their wallets today and the cards inside may be more secure. the steps being taken to prevent fraud this holiday season.
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>> shoppers are out and buying this black friday morning. many hit the stores overnight looking for the big bargains. the national retail federation expects stores to be busier over the four day thanksgiving holiday than last year. they forecast sales to jump 3.5% in november and december of this year. on line shopping has already hit a record high. the software firm adobe said consumers spent $1 billion on line so far. over a quarter of those sales were from mobile devices, the most ever from smart phones and tablets. >> at the store, a different kind of card reader at the
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checkout using a technology designed to prevent fraud. al jazeera's hermela aregawi has that story. >> retail fraud costs merchants tens of billions of dollars each year. in an effort to curb the loss, a new, more secure type of payment card is being introduced to american consumers. it looks a lot like traditional credit and debit cards but has a built in smart chip that makes it more difficult to hack into a card holder's account. europe has been using the technology for over a decade, but the u.s. has been slow to make the shift. in september, a cyd survey found that 60% of americans don't have a card with the smart chip technology and most retailers in the u.s. don't have machines that can read the chip. only 41% do, according to a recent survey by new tech, a business consulting firm. >> a lot of retailers are doing
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a cost versus benefit nationals. if there are some folks who don't think here a threat or likely to be breached, they might delay this new technology. >> banks gave retailers until act one of this year to install the terminals. if they didn't, they would be liable for any in store fraudulent charges that involved the new smart cards. this new liability doesn't appear to be compelling retailers to comply. cyber security experts say even if they did, there's a weak link in the way the u.s. is using this technology. >> in the u.s., we use signatures, where as the rest of the world uses chip in combination with a pin number opinion the pin number is far more secure. >> the national retail federation has also been advocating for banks to require consumers to use a pin to make a purchase with their credit cards, a requirement common in europe. whether used with a signature or pin, the smart chip technology makes it more difficult to steal
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customer data anding because of that, thieves are increasingly turning to the web. the number of fraud attempts on line is up 30% from 2014, a trend retailers say will continue as more merchants and banks start using smart chip technology. >> that's it for us here in new york. coming up next from doha, more on the talks over the war in syria. now russia says it will work with france to help defeat isil. >> taking another live look at the airport in nairobi, kenya, that is the plane where pope francis is. he's about a take off for the next leg of his african journey taking him to uganda. we're seeing reports that folks at the airport there are preparing for his arrival. it will take him 90 minutes to get there and then on to the central african republic.
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an active conflict zone. thanks for watching. >> hello, welcome to the news hour from doha. >> we know who the enemy is. it's i had red. >> promising to destroy isil at a service for the victims of the paris attacks. >> the united nations children's fund said the number of young people dying


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